English Newspaper Article

English Newspaper Article

Dove Arising Book Cover Dove Arising
Dove Chronicals
Karen Bao
Science Fiction
Paper Back

Futuristic Arrest

Moms arrested on the moon!

I the Nova Moon reporter, Madison Moonshadow, June 17th, 3011, Quadrent IV, apartment complex Theta, room 8o8.

On June 17th, 3011, I talked to the main witness of this very treterous event.  Her name is Phaet, she has silver veins shooting in her hair, with onyx eyes and tan skin.  I talked to her about how bad the situation was. Phaet first told me that this situation happened in quadrent IV in her apartment complex Theta in apartment number 8o8.  The situation first happened when all of the family met in the main room.  Suddenly two soldiers burst in through the door and force the mom out of the room but she kicks through.  Then the mom steps over to her daughter and the soldiers show what they really are.  They hurt the mom by jabbing her in the gut and pulling on her ear. The soldiers did this with full force.  Both of them were amused by it.

When Phaet walked out of her small white room with her friend Umbriel, where her sister, Anka , and her share a room.  When Phaet walked out of the room she saw a man standing in the middle of her room griping her mothers arm. The man standing in the main room was called a copperhead, Phaet said.

Phaet looked over to the copperhead to see that her mom, Mira, was struggling to get out of the copperheads grip, while the copperhead was explaining to Anka, Umbriel, Cygnus, and Phaet about the condition that Mira had. The copperhead explained about how Mira was very sick and that she needed to be quarantined.  Then Anka said, ” You’re making that up,” (dove Arising 13).  The other people in the room and Phaet suddenly heard a sudden ruckus.

Before they knew it Phaet said that two milita soldiers one tall and the other one a girl came bursting through the door.  The militia soldiers asked what was taking so long and why the mom wasn’t heading of to qaurintine yet.  The soldier, ” We have to go know, and that the government could be mad at us if we don’t go.” The tall soldier suddenly noticed Tinbie, the family’s  cleaning robot.

A picture of Tinbie

The soldier realized that Tinbie was a older robot.  Phaet could tell that the tall soldier was into old fashioned, rustic robots.  Suddenly Phaets mom escaped the copperheads grip and ran to give her youngest child anka a hug.  Before Mira could get in within a few inches of Anka the tall soldier rushed over and jabbed his gun in Mira’s stomach while the girl soldier put her gun to Mira’s head and pulled on the other ear.

While the Soldiers dragged mom a out of the apartment complex, Mira said, “You’ve always been ready for this,”(Dove Arising 17). Finally the mom was pulled out of the room by the tow militia soldiers while the copperhead followed.  Phaet and her family were now left to live on their own to live.

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