My Website About My Family’s Dessert Recipes

My Website About My Family’s Dessert Recipes

For my Multimedia Applications class this sophomore year, we are making a website about anything that we want to.  So for my website I choose to make a family dessert recipes website, consisting of my family’s dessert recipes, (link to my website).  I made this website due to how I never really had any place to go and easily look up some of my favorite recipes to make. So I decided it would be nice to put it into one big website full of all of my favorite recipes.  On this website I cover some of the dessert/sweets recipes that my family has. For recipes I choose ones that I personally like and would love to share them. So far on my website I have semi-finished all of my posts and other pages, all I have to do is to go back and add a picture to each of my dessert posts of the actual recipe card.  Then to finish my website I need to go through and make little touch ups to everything, like spelling and the looks of the pages and posts. Another thing that I have to do it to add some internal links and change some of my external links, since some of them are the same. The last thing that needs done is to add some personal reviews to each of my posts, and what I think of the recipe.  I also need to change my url to “weinrichfamilydessertrecipes” instead of “weinrichfamilyrecipes” because then it sounds like I have all kinds of recipes, but I really am just doing sweets. But overall I’m feeling good about my website and I think it’s looking good so far, and I’m not too stressed about it, since most of it is finished.

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